sporadischer Gast
M, 21
Sun, 23.Nov.03, 19:50 Realize |
Und nun kriselte es in meiner Beziehung (an die Admins: sorry wenn ich immer einen neuen Thread aufmache, aber so kann man besser zu jedem Gedicht antworten finde ich):
There is a feelin´ in me,
I don´t realize why.
tears are running down my face,
but I still don´t realize.
Something happened and I slowly realize what happened.
My heart knows what has happened,
but my fuckin´ brain won´t realize yet.
She left the building and I feel sick,
´cause I think,
the reason was me.
Why she,
why me,
why do you punish me,
why do you hurt me?
The only thing that I really realize yet,
that are the tears,
the tears which are running down my face like unstoppable waterfalls.