sporadischer Gast
M, 21
Sun, 23.Nov.03, 19:48 Life & Dreams |
Auch dieses Gedicht schrieb ich, als in meiner Beziehung noch alles in Ordnung war:
Life & Dreams
Life without dreams is like a man without a woman,
It isn´t really livable.
I haven´t had a woman,
but I had dreams.
Then I saw you and my dreams became true,
my dream was someone like you.
Now I have a lovely woman,
I have you and I just can dream of you.
Ev´ryday before I wake up,
I can see you in my dreams,
and when I leave the house and look into the sun when it shines on me,
I can see you smiling on me.
I have a life with dreams,
I have a woman,
I have you.
I really have a livable life.