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sporadischer Gast
Nirvana of Dreamworld M
Tue, 26.Aug.03, 20:51 Life |
Is it so hard to life
Is it so hard to die
Why is the world so unfair to some persons
Did they something bad a life before
Or is it just unluck
Life is hard to some
Dying is hard to mostly of us
There is no explanation
There is no solution
They are all damned in they're lifes
I wish all of them a happy cruel life
Copyright ©2000 // 23.07.00
my name....
so long
Werbung |
sporadischer Gast
W, 17
OK, außer dass ich die hälfte nicht verstanden habe, weil ich nicht gut Englisch kann (Niete!!!*sich tret*) wars gut geschreibselt.
_________________ For always with me
and yet so far away
always together
and yet so alone |